January 16, 2013
Impact Digital partnered with Showtime Networks again from Pre-Production through Post-Production on this year’s Californication Key Art visuals. The background is made of lights which read “GOD HATES US ALL”. This background artwork was created using Computer Generated Imagery. This concept lent itself to the CGI process because it was something that would be very expensive to build for a set, and relatively simple to create using 3D software. The Art Director had flexibility to change the lighting placement, intensity, and details to create the perfect set for the character Hank Moody. Technically, the background file was built so it could easily be incorporated into the retouching process, which was also completed by Impact Digital.
Here is a wireframe that shows some of the process of our CGI artists:
Impact Digital also composited elements of fire and smoke into the portraits of the cast of House of Lies to bring the ad campaign concept to life: “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”.
Showtime Networks called two of our sister companies to also participate in the production of these new advertisements. Industrial Color provided digital capture services, and GLOBALedit to manage the talent approvals for all of the shows.